
Baleia Blu Ceramics

Handmade by Adette Contreras in Brooklyn, NY. Inspired by a big blue whale and our little blue planet.



It's been a great week so far but very emotionally charged. So even if it's all been good, it's easy to get swept up in all the excitement, and the pace of NYC is what's driven me to the clay to begin with.

Oftentimes, people make it a point to slow down when things are going rough. The panic is often the trigger to take time and take care. To me, it's just as important to slow down when everything is on the up and up. Just because things are good and everything is exciting, doesn't mean I should let it control me. On the contrary, might be even more crucial to take stock and make sure we're not taking things for granted. 

Today, I took things extra slow. In fact, been carving out time over the past 6 months wherever I can. Little things like scheduling an hour transit time between meetings, so I can walk instead of rushing and scrambling with cabs or the MTA-forsaken subway. Building in time into my mornings for my daily rituals. Though it might seem little, the cup of green tea, the meditation, the sun salutations, the candle, the reading, the writing, the keeping the phone silent and in the other room–every little part of my morning is a big part of why the rest of my day goes smoothly.

In the clay studio, it's hard not to want to rush through "the stupid" stuff: wedging clay, washing tools, cleaning the wheel, wiping down surfaces. It's easy to slog through them, just trying to get them over with as soon as possible. Today, I actually enjoyed the process. The washing. The cleansing. The way that water makes everything shiny and fresh again. All the new pops of blue that I'm seeing everywhere. All the little things that bring me peace and a moment of stillness.

And speaking of all the little things that bring me peace and stillness, I packed today in with lots of it, every little bit I could get.

Took my time to get to the clay studio, as you can see. Once I got there, it was amazing. On brand.

Trimming Gaudí Bowls

Trimming Gaudí Bowls

And Round And Round We Go

And Round And Round We Go